The Role and Legal Responsibilities

The specific objectives of the Pan-African Parliament are to:
- Give a voice to the African peoples and the Diaspora;
- Facilitate the effective implementation of the policies and objectives of the African Union;
- Promote the principle of human rights and democracy in Africa;
- Encourage good governance, transparency and accountability in Member States;
- Familiarize the peoples of Africa with the objectives and policies on the political and socioeconomic integration of the continent;
- Promote peace, security and stability;
- Contribute to a more prosperous future for the peoples of Africa by promoting collective self-reliance and economic recovery;
- Facilitate cooperation and development in Africa;
- Strengthen continental solidarity and build a sense of common destiny among the peoples of Africa;
- Facilitate cooperation among Regional Economic Communities and their Parliamentary fora;
- Encourage National and Regional Parliaments to ratify and integrate treaties adopted by the AU into their legal systems;
- Cooperate with National and Regional Parliaments and similar bodies within and outside Africa as well as civil societies, community-based organizations and grassroots organizations;